Nursing Questionnaire

This survey is specifically about attending work rounds. Please answer honestly by circling your answers. This is an anonymous survey. List the service you are you working on:

1)    I feel that the physicians respect my opinion and take my observations into account when making diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Strongly agree      Agree     Don’t care     Disagree     Strongly disagree

2)    How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of the physicians to your requests?

Very satisfied    Satisfied    Indifferent   Dissatisfied   Very Dissatistified

3)    I feel the physicians’ are addressing the needs of my patients promptly and appropriately

Strongly agree      Agree     Didn’t notice     Disagree     Strongly disagree

4)    I feel I know and understand the physicians’ daily plans for my patients.

Strongly agree      Agree     Didn’t notice     Disagree     Strongly disagree

5)    There is sufficient contact with physicians on work rounds

Strongly agree      Agree     Didn’t notice     Disagree     Strongly disagree

6)    I would prefer to participate on physician work rounds for my patients.

Strongly agree      Agree     Don’t care     Disagree     Strongly disagree

7)    I notice that rounds vary too much from attending to attending

Strongly agree      Agree     Didn’t notice     Disagree     Strongly disagree

8)     A more standardized rounding system that includes nursing participation would be helpful.

Strongly agree      Agree     Don’t care     Disagree     Strongly disagree

*Please comment on how you think the rounding system could be improved. We value your opinions.