Posts tagged as

Multidisciplinary Rounds

Team Launch

At the beginning of each  2 week rotation the attending and or team resident should conduct a team launch. Why is a team launch helpful and how should this be conducted? Airline pilots and surgeons (using the WHO surgical checklist) always conduct a team launch. This assures everyone understands their…

What is AIR?

Athletics and Music Take Teamwork AIR is Athletic-based Interprofessional Rounds is a patient-centered rounding system that applies championship athletic and symphony orchestra principles to health care. We are applying the lessons learned by the University of Florida’s music school and premier football, basketball, and volleyball coaches to the care of…

Communication Protocols

SOAP being presented at the bedside. Just as in any sport it is critical to have mastered the fundamentals: passing motion, shooting motion, blocking technique etc. Similarly physicians need to be well versed in how to communicate accurately and succinctly. Excessive…